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HS NTP C Source Library

Network Time Protocol client side.


"Network Time Protocol client side."
runterload.de Editor: HS NTP C is a software library (with full source code) UDP Socket Layer, which according to RFC1769 on the Network Time Protocol (POP3) and client side implements the RFC1305. HS NTP Library when a user application, the remote NTP server provides the local system time synchronized.

First user application calls HS NTP to prepare the user code for timer management functions in the callback function and provide pointers for reporting NTP events users.

local system and remote NTP server, the user application to obtain a difference between the time to use UDP port for NTP server name or IP address and source by specifying HsNtpGetTime function calls.

HS NTP added after the server name, the format of addresses and sends NTP time request packet according to RFC1305 and RFC1769 standard. Once HS NTP NTP NTP server response time of this analysis, and get a response that results in a callback function for the time difference to user application reports. This event callback parameters for the necessary local time, to apply second remote NTP server time offset value includes simultaneously.

Modular design, easy to port HS NTP protocol module makes it easy for any environment. HS NTP in a sub-layer provides transport services over UDP in HS Sock library interfaces. User application must concern Winsock - HS NTP socket layer over all the transmission, reception and event handling to learn. HS NTP C source library 1.1 download free Now you can.

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